1. EXCURSIONS. You requested:
- more structure/guidance.
- to meet directly at the excursion site for more time.
- to rethink the group approach - sometimes groups turn into social hour or too much responsibility for just one member (and that perhaps individual activities might be a better approach).
- more discussion about what you will see/do on the excursion before going.
- that we think about how much class time is being taken away due to excursions.
2. COURSE CONTENT. You asked that we focus more on:
- history of Paris/homosexuality.
- being gay in the 1920's, the experience itself and that we focus on people's personal gay experiences.
- modern day homosexuality.
- gay men in Paris.
- gay/lesbian issues - not just historical and factual information.
3. READINGS. A few of you felt:
- the readings are difficult and that you don't know when/what to read for each class period.
- there are too many readings with Nightwood on top of everything else.
4. NIGHTWOOD. You wanted:
- essay guidelines and parameters of the essay in advance.
- a connection to be made between Nightwood and the course content.
- an in-depth explanation of the significance of Nightwood in relation to this course.
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